
Production Concepts

Homework 1 Convention

Production Concepts

Detailed Written Outline

Production Concepts-Audience Feedback
Create your own user feedback survey



Trailer Structure

Pitch Audience Feedback

Shot List

Production Plan

Production plan from DarcyB1

Planning Audience Feedback
Create your own user feedback survey

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Magazine Draft Layout

Magazine Draft layout 2

Poster Draft Layout
Poster Draft Layout 2 Magazine Draft Layout

Poster Draft Layout

Sound Research
Track 1

Track 2

Track 3

Track 4


Test Shots:Locations

Planning-Audience Feedback Summary

Planning-Audience Feedback Summary
This is an overview of the feedback I received for my planning, during this evaluation I will identify the strengths of this section of work and the weaknesses that I may have to improve upon.
1.       What did you think of the script on my blog? Is it clear and well presented? Does the dialogue sound realistic? Based on the script, is this a trailer you would see in a cinema?

This was largely full of very positive responses, the questions within the question helped the respondents structure their answers. I will begin with the areas of strength that were identified by the audience. Two of the respondents have said that the script itself is very interesting, this point is a huge positive, because one of the main aims of the script is to engage the reader; now obviously I understand the trailer viewers will not be reading the script but listening to it on screen. If it is interesting to read then the likelihood is that it will create a more effective trailer.
Furthermore the majority of the responses mentioned, that based on the script they would like to see this film in cinemas. This reinforces the idea of that the script looks professional and this can be backed up by one response that mentions the professional, aesthetic look to the script. Adding to this someone said that the sharp scene changes should create a more exciting finished product. Others have mentioned that in the last few scenes it is clear the protagonist is in a lot of peril. The dialogue has had mixed reviews some respondents have mentioned that it is very close to a real-life imitation of conversation. The presentation of the script was largely praised.
The areas for improvement, were also mentioned, as previously stated the dialogue has had a mixed reception, some individuals have said that the conversations could be more realistic, adding to this, it was stated that the speech from the characters at the start of the trailer was too long. One response that was quite prominent was that the character of William could use more dialogue.

2.       What do you think of the production plan on my blog? Is it in enough detail? Do you think anything could be added to it to make it more helpful?

Once again I will begin with the positives. The production plan was praised on numerous           occasions for its clarity, and the simplicity of is presentation. The audience felt there was enough detail for the plan to be of great use during filming; one respondent mentioned that it was helpful in the sense that each area of the trailer was sectioned in a table. Adding to this the concise set-up of the plan was thought to be a good way to write a production plan.
However like the other aspects of this planning section there were areas for improvement. A lack of images was a factor mentioned on several occasions. Many thought I should include images of the costumes, the actors, make-up and the locations. This is a worthy observation, because essentially it will create a production plan with even more detail. It was also mentioned that better dates of production should be used to help create a clear idea of when I will be filming. An interesting suggestion was the idea that I could use my storyboard and pin-point the props, locations, actors and make-up of each shot, once again this increases the clarity of the plan. One response highlighted a need for more props. Furthermore the audience thought I needed more of a detailed outline of the make-up I will use.

3.       Please have a look at the test shots on my blog, these are the locations for the film trailer. Do you think these locations are appropriate and have the potential to be used in a horror film?

The locations also received a largely positive reception, the first respondent thought that they were good and would be able to create the necessary atmosphere to suit the script. Another mentioned the isolated look to the shots, this is perfect because my trailer tries to play on the idea of how isolation can be scary. Two of the individuals who answered the questionnaire said the storage space looked like an effective location, one said it had a similarity to the torture chamber in the Saw films. This is definitely a positive point because this particular location is supposed to look hostile, cold and frightening. Other respondents liked the maize field and the barn, saying they looked like they will make a real impact on screen.
The improvement points included the possibility of some test footage to compliment the shots. Furthermore, an individual thought that the shots should be labelled to help with their clarity. A very popular improvement point was that the location pictures should have been taken as if they were ready for filming. The only location that was criticized was the house, it was thought that a more threatening location could have been used.

4.       Please listen to the Sound Cloud extract on my blog. Is this the type of music you would expect to find in a horror trailer? What kind of music would you expect to hear in a horror trailer?

The sample sounds I had picked were mostly appreciated, the screeching violin was liked and an individual thought it would be effective as a jump scare. Others have said they would like to hear deep sounds that cause a rise in tension.  Based on the audience’s answers this area of the planning needs the most improvement. It was said that softer sounds should be used at the start of the trailer. It was also said that I should indicate where each sound should be used in the trailer. It was suggested I could use the voice of my antagonist as a voice over in parts of the trailer.

How I will improve my planning
·         Make the conversation in the script more realistic.
·         Enhance “Williams” speaking role.
·         Shorten the speech at the start of the trailer.
·         On the production plan include images of the costume, the actors, make-up and the locations.
·         Include more dates on the production plan.
·         Use my storyboard and pin-point the props, locations, actors and make-up of each shot.
·         Include more of a detailed outline of make-up.
·         Include more of a detailed outline of make-up.
·         Include test footage to compliment the test shots.
·         The test shots should be labelled.
·         The location pictures should be taken as if they were ready for filming.
·         A more threatening location could have been used instead of the house test shot.
·         Softer sounds should be used at the start of the trailer.
·         I should indicate where each sound will be used in the trailer.
·         I could use the voice of my antagonist as a voice over in parts of the trailer.

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